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TELTONIKA GPRS/GNSS tracker with flexible inputs configuration (FMB130)


Integrated outdoor multi band LTE omni antennas + GPS antenna + place to install Teltonika RUTX09 (All-in-one)




FMB130 is ADVANCED tracker with internal GNSS, GSM antennas, configurable digital/analogue inputs/negative input/impulse inputs, three DOUT outputs, Bluetooth connectivity and backup battery.

Teltonika keeps its promise to make IoT Easy. FMB130 device is the first device with negative input possibility. It allows you to save your precious integration time while connecting accessories like vehicle door sensor, alarm button, seatbelt detection and similar sensors or accessories.

Additionally, they have integrated possibility to enable Impulse Input for fuel flow meter data reading. Impulse based fuel usage control is much more accurate than different kind of fuel level sensors and enables possibility to be precise if needed. It is perfect solution for high fuel usage machines like cranes, construction vehicles, mining machines, agriculture equipment.

They have also added one additional Digital Output. Now it is 3 of them in total! It is not surprising that DOUT is the most popular connection type on FMB1 family devices. It`s allows you to use simultaneously 3 different DOUT scenarios like: immobilizer, buzzer, alarm lights, door lock and others.

New FMB130 is the first advanced vehicle tracking system with programmable DIN/AIN/Negative/Impulse input. First input has following choices: Digital, Analog, Negative, Impulse. Second input may be Digital or Analog.

With these new features you can have one tracking system for much wider range of use cases.

SKU: FMB130 Categories: ,